About Transpact

Transpact is the trading name of Anpa Forward Ltd, a UK private limited company. Transpact is registered at Companies House in the UK (UK Registered Company Number: 06226243) and with the UK Government’s Financial Services Authority (FSA) under the Payment Services Regulations 2009, and with Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as a Money Service Business.

Transpact is the first FSA registered UK company to provide a secure trusted middle-man service to individuals and businesses alike. Transpact believe that the internet should be used as a force for good, and that the “global village” should be a safe place to do business, even with people you do not know personally.

Transpact believes in maintaining high standards in all business transactions. Their other business interests and experience include international commerce, where payment through a middle-man service for valuable goods is a standard commercial procedure.

In establishing this unique service, which is the first of its kind in Europe, Transpact has taken advice from lawyers, ethicists, security consultants and bankers.

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